Mr. Hamstead, in the 8th Volume of his useful Collections, tells us, the vessels were very good made at Fulham, but all flat, the Difficulty in making a hollow Dish was thought insuperable, because it must be burnt to that Degree, that the Heat of the Fire made the Sides fall: But this ingenious Christian surmounted the Difficulty, and hath many Years ago actually made several very delicate Pots of English Materials.
In the glaze were wrought A Skeleton in Metal; it is well done, but only to the short Ribs. Venus and Cupid in Wax-work. A Sort of Bachus, or Antick, pouring out Liquor, with a Bull’s Head betwixt his Thighs, or perhaps a Rams, relating to some Local Custom, like that of a Flitch of Bacon at Dunmoe in Essex: It is of Wood, and hath in old Characters Belly merry In a different script. The History of Joseph of Arimathea’s entombing our Saviour, whose emaciated Corps is very well represented in the Winding-sheet.